Latin American Experiences and Reflections on Science and Humanism in Person Centered Medicine

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Oscar Cluzet
Alberto Perales
Fredy Canchihuamán
Juan Mezzich


Background: Person Centered Medicine (PCM) as an innovative programmatic development in medicine and health care has been evolving and maturing in recent years in Latin America, along with similar developments in other world regions. Science and humanism are key concepts in PCM and their articulation has been a main theme of the Lima Declaration 2016 emerging from the Second Latin American Conference of Person Centered Medicine.Objectives: The purpose of this paper is to identify key points on science and humanism as elements of Latin American perspectives on PCM, accompanying and supporting the Lima Declaration 2016 on Science and Humanism. Method: The approach used involved a selective review of the literature, both published and that presented at the Second Latin American Conference on Person Centered Medicine, as well as consultations with Latin American experts on PCM, and reflections among the co-authors on the meaning of the information obtained in the areas of clinical care, education, research, and public health.Results: The elucidated patterns and trends are synthesized, with focus on the articulation of science and humanism. These findings are characterized by the formulation of increasingly specific experiences and reflections that cover the main areas of medical work.Conclusions: The perspectives elucidated from the literature review and ensuing consultations and reflections are allowing the transition from a stage of slogans for action to another of increasingly specific proposals, particularly around the articulation of science and humanism in clinical care, medical education, research and public health.

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