A study of validation of Stages of Changes on Spanish sample of inactive patients with inclusion of maximum oxygen uptake and physical activity self-report

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Antonio I Cuesta-Vargas
F.J. Baron
A. Sanchez
I. Montoya
G. Grandes


Aims: The study aims to assess the Stage of Change (SoC) measure and algorithm in the context of existing and validated constructs including maximum oxygen uptake, self-reported physical activity (PA) and health-related quality of life on inactive patients conducted in primary care.Methods: 4231 inactive patients were included from 56 collaborating general practices (GP) at 11 public primary healthcare centres in Spain were eligible to participate in this study. Assessment of SoC in PA, representing ordered categories of motivational readiness to change. The maximum oxygen uptake, the 7-day Physical Activity Recall and health-related quality of life measures were obtained using the SF-36 questionnaire. MANOVA test and Multiple Indicators and Multiple Causes (MIMIC) modelling were performed to evaluate the association between the 5 SoC groups and the dependent measures.Results: The multivariate model demonstrated statistical significance (Pillai’s trace = 0.102, F48,16872 = 9.18,  p< .001) and the MIMIC model provided an excellent fit to the data (chi-square = 27.17; df  = 8; RMSEA = 0.024; CFI = 0.99).Discussion: There is validity in the SoC framework among inactive patients beyond the transtheoretical model of change. This supports the usefulness of the SoC approach for the promotion of PA in interventions conducted in primary care and the enhancement health and wellbeing.

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