Beliefs about prescribed medicine and self-reported adherence among elderly patients discharged from hospital

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Abeer Ahmad


Rationale Non adherence with medication use may result in poor health outcomes and death. Many studies have mentioned that elderly patients do not adhere to their medication after discharge from hospital. No studies investigated the opinions and beliefs of the patients after hospital discharge.Objective To describe elderly patients’ beliefs and satisfaction with information received about their medication as well as their self-reported adherence after hospital discharge. Association between patients’ self-reported adherence and their beliefs about medicines as well as the information they received about their medicine will be analyzedMethod Descriptive study among patients aged 60 and above, recently discharged from hospital to their homes and using at least five or more medications for chronic illness. Beliefs about medication, satisfaction with information received about their drugs and self reported adherence were assessed by questionnaires after patients were discharge from the hospital.Results Elderly patients who were discharged from hospital had strong beliefs about the necessity of using their medication and that they were less concerned about the potential risks of medication use. They had fewer negative beliefs about their medicines being addictive, but had more negative beliefs about doctors overusing medicines. All patients were satisfied with the information they received about their drugs. Associations between self-reported adherence and the necessity, overuse and action and usage sub-scales were statistically significant.Conclusion healthcare workers should be aware of the importance of patients’ beliefs about medicine in predicting adherence. Both emphasizing the importance that using drugs has for patients’ health and reducing negative beliefs about drugs being overused by doctors can stimulate the adherence of these patients.

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CBS Statline. 7-7-2011.

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