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James Appleyard
Juan Mezzich


This journal issue includes the third part of the Educational Program on Person-Centered Care of the International College of Person Centered Medicine (ICPCM) that in its initial version was presented at the 6th International Congress of Person Centered Medicine in New Delhi in November 2018. The overall themes of the four papers [1–4] are the planning of care, shared decision making, and interprofessional collaboration. In addition, there is the Lima Declaration 2018 entitled “Towards a Latin American Construction of Persons-Centered Integral Health Care,” which recognizes how important these concepts are to the development of general strategies for integrated health care with persons placed at the center of and as the goal of health actions. Reports from the Symposium on Person-Centered Medicine held during the 2018 World Medical Association’s Conference in Reykjavik and the First Peruvian Conference on Person-Centered Medicine add further evidence of the importance of these perspectives.

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Millar H. This issue. Person-Centered Care Planning and Shared Decision- Making for Mental and Comorbid Conditions. International Journal of Person Centered Medicine 8(4): 17–30

Glare P. This issue. Shared Decision Making for Oncological, Chronic Pain and Palliative Care. International Journal of Person Centered Medicine 8(4): 31–40

Appleyard J, Snaedal J. This issue. Shared Decision Making for Other General Conditions. International Journal of Person Centered Medicine 8(4): 41–46

Ghebrehiwet T. This issue. Inter-professional Collaboration for Person- Centered Care. International Journal of Person Centered Medicine 8(4): 47–53

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Report from the First Peruvian Conference on Person-Centered Medicine 2018. This issue. International Journal of Person Centered Medicine 8(4): 59–63