Bases of Person Centered Medical Education to Enhance Health Systems Worldwide

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James Appleyard
Michel Botbol
Fernando Caballero
Tesfamicael Ghebrehiwet
Juan E. Mezzich Juan E. Mezzich Juan E. Mezzich
Juan Perez-Miranda
Roger Ruiz-Moral
Ihsan M Salloum
Jon Snaedal
Wim Leberghe


Medicine is at the heart of healthcare. Healthcare systems have contributed to increasing the life expectancy and the wellbeing of millions of people worldwide during the 20th century [1] and they represent an asset of utmost importance in achieving fairness in accessing health-related prevention, promotion and recovery from illness [2]. Thus one of the driving purposes of medical education must be to enhance the performance of health systems for meeting the needs of patients and populations in an equitable and efficient way. A crucial factor in this endeavor will be the successful adaptation of professional education for local and national leadership in workforce teams that are capable of extending reach to all people. The purpose of this paper is to explore a deeper understanding that a person centered approach is essential as to how this can be achieved.Health is about people. The goal of physicians and all health professionals, irrespective of nationality and specialty is to share a common global vision for the future. [3] In this, all health professionals in all countries should be educated to gather knowledge, and to engage in critical reasoning and practice to high ethical standards so that they are competent to participate in person-centered and people-centered health systems as members of locally responsive and globally connected teams. The ultimate vision must be to assure universal coverage of high-quality comprehensive services that are essential to advancing opportunity for health equity within and between countries [4]. The aspiration for better health commonly shared will resonate with aspiring young professionals who seek value and meaning in their work. 

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Author Biography

James Appleyard, British Medical Association International Association of Medical Colleges

Past President World Medical AssociationVice President of the British Medical AssociationPresident International Association of Medical Colleges 2015-President of the WMA Sept 2003-2004with special areas of interest in Human Rights, Child Health, and Health DatabasesProfessional Work Consultant Children’s Physician at the Kent and Canterbury Hospital from 1971-1998 Professor of Pediatrics, 1985-1995. Dean of Clinical Studies (UK) 1995-1997  St George’s University, Grenada W.I.Dean of Clinical Sciences, Kigezi International School of Medicine, Uganda 2000-2004 British Medical AssociationA Chief Officer for nine years as Chairman of Representative Body 1992-1995.and then as Treasurer 1996-2002 Ethics Chair of the WMA Ethics Committee 1995-1999 Member of the BMAs Ethics Committee 1992-2003Member of the East Kent Research Ethics Committee 2006- Treasurer and (Vice President)  of the British .Paediatric Association. 1983-1988PublicationsOn neonatal topics including coagulation disorders of the New Born,Children with disabilities, medical education, manpower and medical ethics in peer reviewed journals


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