Strengthening research ethics review systems

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Marie-Charlotte Bouesseau


Concerns about the ethical conduct of research involving human participants includes a number a very complex issues such as the optimization of the risk-benefit ratio for the potential participants to the research, the equitable access to the benefits of the research for the populations, the need to focus research on health priorities addressing what is known as the “10/90 gap”. Over the last decades, norms and standards have been developed and regularly up dated in order to provide regulation at national and international level. Many initiatives have been also taken to strengthen capacity in research ethics; however it is now crucial to put in place person centered research ethics review systems, coordinating the different stakeholders and ensuring that the rights of the research participants and their communities are respected. To strengthen research ethics review systems, WHO promotes an holistic approach based on principles of good governance such as inclusiveness, transparency and enforcement of fair normative framework.

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