Learning to provide patient-centered care with patients with medically unexplained symptoms: a grounded theory study in Australian general practice.

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Louise Stone
Jill Gordon


Background Culture shapes the way illness is experienced and disease is understood. Patients with medically unexplained symptoms describe feeling their suffering is not valued because they lack a “legitimate” diagnosis. Doctors also describe feeling frustrated with these patients. This is particularly problematic for young general practitioners (GPs) who lack experience in managing patients with medically unexplained symptoms in primary care settings.Objectives To explore how general practice supervisors help registrars to provide patient-centered care for patients with medically unexplained. Methods A constructivist grounded theory study was undertaken with 24 general practice registrars and supervisors from Australian GP training practices in urban, rural and remote environments. Participants were asked to describe patients with mixed emotional and physical symptoms without an obvious medical diagnosis. Results Registrars came from hospital posts into general practice equipped with skills to diagnose and manage organic disease but lacked a framework for assessing and managing patients with medically unexplained symptoms. They described feelings of helplessness, frustration and sometimes hostility. Because these feelings were inconsistent with their expressed value systems, they were uncomfortable and confronting. The registrars valued interactions that helped them explore this area. Conclusions In hospital practice, biomedical language and explanations predominate, but in general practice patients bring different explanatory illness models to the consultation, using their own language, beliefs and cultural frameworks. Medically unexplained symptoms occupy a contested space in both the social and medical worlds of the doctor and patient. Negative feelings and a lack of diagnostic language and frameworks may prevent registrars from providing patient-centered care.

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Author Biographies

Louise Stone, University of Sydney

Louise Stone is a PhD candidate at the Centre for Values, Ethics and the Law in Medicine, School of Public Health, University of Sydney

Jill Gordon, University of Sydney

Jill Gordon is a Research Associate in the Centre for Values, Ethics and the Law in Medicine, School of Public Health, University of Sydney


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