Psychological issues on Person-centered Care for Cancer Pain

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Marijana Bras


Pain is one of the most distressing symptoms in ­­cancer patients. Although medications and other methods for cancer pain treatment are available, a significant number of patients suffer from intolerable pain. Current conceptualizations of cancer pain adopt a person-centered perspective. The patient’s emotional experiences, beliefs and expectations may determine the outcome of treatment, and are fully emphasized in the focus of treatment interventions. Complex and disabling pain conditions often require comprehensive pain treatment programs, involving interdisciplinary and multimodal treatment approaches. Psychological/psychiatric aspects have an important place in all phases of treatment, with an important role in research and education. Person-centered medical interview is an important bridge between personalized and person-centered medicine in the treatment of patients with cancer pain. There are many roles that the psychiatrist can perform in the assessment and treatment of patients with cancer pain. Psychological treatment can and should be individually tailored to meet the specific needs of the patient.  Education of professionals about biopsychosocial approaches and  communication skills, quality of interactions between health professionals and patients,  psychological interventions and continuing care should all be present. It is also important to  help cancer patients communicate more effectively about pain and become more involved in deciding pain management treatment.

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