People-centred healthcare: how might progress be monitored?

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Vivian Lin
Sally Fawkes


Following the adoption of a regional policy framework on people-centred healthcare (PCHC), WHO (Western Pacific Regional Office) initiated a project to examine what indicators might be used to monitor progress of national health systems towards people-centred healthcare.  Following a desk review of existing indicator sets, further consultation was undertaken to consider how an indicator set might be determined and what strategies might be used to test their value at the national level. The PCHC National Indicators Project found that conceptual difficulties in using indicator sets developed by a provider-oriented health system and for other purposes. There were also expected gaps in obtaining useful indicators from the perspectives of patients, families and communities. Nevertheless, respondents in the consultation indicated that a participatory process at the national level, with collaboration across countries, may be helpful in refining and testing indicators as well as providing the feedback necessary to drive health system change.

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Measuring progress towards people-centered care


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