Increasing the child and family-centeredness of paediatric asthma care: a qualitative evaluation of parent experiences

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Gregory S. Sawicki
Joshua Wolff
Prerna S. Kahlon
Elaine Chan
Patricia Mantell
Sonja Ziniel
Elizabeth M. Klements
Elizabeth R. Woods


Rationale, aims, and objectives: The primary aim of this qualitative quality improvement project was to assess parental experiences of clinical care for their children with asthma across a continuum of healthcare settings.Method: Twenty semi-structured in-depth interviews were completed with parents of children who were hospitalized for asthma-related respiratory symptoms. Interviews were analyzed using the phenomenological method of qualitative data analysis.Results: Results revealed the presence of four major themes of importance to parents regarding their child’s asthma care: (1) importance of asthma education; (2) need for resources for asthma management; (3) provider communication and conflicting opinions; (4) determinants of satisfaction with asthma care.Conclusions: Parents of children with asthma identified areas for improvement in education, resource development and coordination of care for their children with asthma. Conflicting opinions are an identified barrier to care coordination. Coordination of asthma health services should aim to reduce conflicting opinions and improve parent-provider partnership for chronic care. Communication and caregiver education need to be incorporated into health system improvement efforts for improving outcomes for children with asthma as part of child and family-centered care.

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