Innovations in the delivery of primary care services using a software solution: the Mayo Clinic’s Generic Disease Management System

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Rajeev Chaudhry
Kavishwar Wagholikar
Lindsay Decker
Ronald Hankey
Caroline Lu
Hongfang Liu
Barbara R. Spurrier
Nicholas F. LaRusso


Despite the availability of national guidelines, primary care physicians struggle to provide evidence-based preventive services and to care for patients with chronic conditions.  There are multiple reasons for this difficulty including time pressures and lack of technological solutions that support workflow.  In collaboration with the Mayo Clinic Center for Innovation, we designed and developed a patient-centric software application that supports the needs of primary care physicians, allied health staff and patients.  Patient and provider input was gathered and the software was designed to provide recommendations in a format for providers and in a patient-friendly version based upon the same data and guidelines. A satisfaction survey of patients was strongly positive.  The software solution was accepted by primary care physicians and the allied staff and facilitated adherence to guidelines and quality measures.  This supports the premise that patient-centered care can be enabled by software solutions developed with an understanding of workflow and the needs of clinicians and patients.

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