Categories, Dimensions and Narratives for Person-centered Diagnostic Assessment

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Michel Botbol
Claudio E. M. Banzato
Luis Salvador-Carulla


Classifications are multipurpose tools that have to deal with multiple epistemological constraints. In spite of the hopes it raised, DSM III and IV categorical model has shown its limitations, reactivating the long standing issue questioning the respective role of categorical and dimensional procedures in diagnostic assessment. Around the Person-centered Integrative Diagnosis (PID) this paper will consider how pluralistic descriptive procedures (Categories, Dimensions and Narratives) are essential for diagnostic assessment in person-centered medicine and psychiatry. It will stress the importance of the narratives of the patients and of the physician in this novel diagnostic perspective.

Article Details

Fourth Geneva Conference on Person-centered Medicine: Person-centered integrative diagnosis (PID)
Author Biography

Michel Botbol, Paris Psychoanalytic Society; and Paris Catholic University

Dr Michel Botbol is a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Psychoanalyst from the Paris Psychoanalytic Society, member of the International Psychoanalytic Association. He is Associate Professor at the School of Psychologists of the Paris Catholic University and teaches also in various other French Universities.He is the coordinator of the Child and Adolescent Psychopathology program of the Paris Institute of Criminology. For his research duties he is affiliated to U 669 unit of the French National Institute for Medical Researches (INSERM). Since 2006, he is the Psychiatric Consultant of the French Ministry of Justice for the Juvenile Justice System National Agency. From 1997 to 2005, he was the Medical Director of a Psychiatric Hospital specialized in the treatment of students with severe mental disorders. He is also consultant of the Belgrade Mental Health Institute (Serbia) for his Adolescents Program, and of the Nant Foundation near Lausanne (Switzerland).  He is also involved in various teaching programs in Latin America (mainly in Peru and Mexico). Previously he has been Director of a Day Hospital for Autistic Children, near Paris, and the coordinator of two INSERM National Research Network on Autism.  He is the author of nearly 300 papers in French and International journals, of various book chapters and of four books on the main topics on which he had worked: Autism, Adolescence, and Institutional treatments associating psychiatric attention with schooling facilities, Empathy in Classifications and Treatments. He is currently member of the board of the International Network for Person Centered Medicine, Secretary General of the French Association of Psychiatry, and Co-Chair of the Psychoanalysis in Psychiatry WPA Section. From 2005 to 2008 he was the WPA Zonal Representative for Western Europe and, from that time, has been very involved in various programs on Person Centered Psychiatry or Medicine.      


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