Appraising the International College of Person Centered Medicine's Ten Years Promoting Healthy Lives and Well-Being for All

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James Appleyard


The International College of Person-centered Medicine (ICPCM) developed from a network of persons who shared the willingness and determination to contribute to the promotion of health and wellbeing through the person-centered perspective. This approach places the person as the center of health and the goal of health actions. In spite of impressive advances in technology, the quality of care and especially prevention and health promotion have not progressed to the desired extent. It was realized that in everyday clinical practice the person was not receiving the attention he or she deserved. The completion of ten years of consistent work and advocacy with institutional independence and self-sufficiency is a definite accomplishment in itself. This milestone provides a good opportunity to pause and consider what the College has managed to achieve so far. The meaning and implication of person-centered medicine have been clarified with the development of the Person-centered Care Index and the Person- centered Integrative Diagnosis model. From a series of Declarations arising from the Geneva Conferences and the International Congresses held in different regions of the world, an interconnected matrix of practical policies is emerging and the International College feels that the person-centered perspective can contribute to the reestablishment of medical practice with strong ethical commitments and focused on the needs of individual persons as members of the wider population. Person centered medicine restores the equilibrium from the impersonal and reductionist scientific and technological dogma, which by focusing on objects rather than subjects devalues the time for interpersonal interaction, and creates a rift between the person seeking medical care and the damaging demands of over-compartmentalized and commercialized health systems, whereby the quality of care and especially prevention and health promotion have been neglected. The ICPCM believes that these issues need to be seriously addressed and redressed.

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Author Biography

James Appleyard, British Medical Association International Association of Medical Colleges

Past President World Medical AssociationVice President of the British Medical AssociationPresident International Association of Medical Colleges 2015-President of the WMA Sept 2003-2004with special areas of interest in Human Rights, Child Health, and Health DatabasesProfessional Work Consultant Children’s Physician at the Kent and Canterbury Hospital from 1971-1998 Professor of Pediatrics, 1985-1995. Dean of Clinical Studies (UK) 1995-1997  St George’s University, Grenada W.I.Dean of Clinical Sciences, Kigezi International School of Medicine, Uganda 2000-2004 British Medical AssociationA Chief Officer for nine years as Chairman of Representative Body 1992-1995.and then as Treasurer 1996-2002 Ethics Chair of the WMA Ethics Committee 1995-1999 Member of the BMAs Ethics Committee 1992-2003Member of the East Kent Research Ethics Committee 2006- Treasurer and (Vice President)  of the British .Paediatric Association. 1983-1988PublicationsOn neonatal topics including coagulation disorders of the New Born,Children with disabilities, medical education, manpower and medical ethics in peer reviewed journals


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