If I Choose it, Am I More Likely to Use it?

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Larry Davidson
David Roe
Erica Stern
Yaara Zisman-Ilani
Maria O'Connell
Patrick Corrigan


Consumer choice has been identified as a key factor in adherence and recovery in general medicine, and, more recently, in the field of mental health. In fact, increasing choice and self-determination in care has been a cornerstone of the mental health recovery movement and, as such, has become the object of considerable skepticism and critique. In this paper, we review the findings of a total of 49 articles found through a comprehensive search for information on the role of choice and decision-making in influencing service and medication use, adherence, and outcomes. Consistent findings of these studies are that, when given choices about their care, people are more likely to engage in treatment, to adhere to interventions, and to experience better outcomes, both in general medicine and more specifically in relation to mental illnesses. Implications and limitations of these studies, as well as directions for future research, are suggested. 

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Person-centered Decision Supports


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