Perspectives of the International Council of Nursing on person-centred care
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The International Council of Nurses (ICN) is a federation of national nursing associations in 135 countries representing the millions of nurses worldwide. Operated by nurses and leading nursing internationally, ICN works to ensure quality nursing care for all and sound health policies globally. Since the establishment of the ICN over 100 years ago, ICN policies and guidelines have embedded holistic, person-centered care at the core of its mission.ICN’s mission is to represent and advance the nursing profession and improve global health – all, ultimately for the public good. To this end, ICN collaborates directly with the World Health Organization (WHO) our member national nurses associations, other health profession associations, governments and other organisations.
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Stakeholders’ roles and contributions beyond annual meetings: next steps to advance person- and people-centered care
Henderson, V. (2004). ICN’s Basic Principles of Nursing Care. Geneva: ICN.
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ICN (2009). TB Guidelines for Nurses in the Care and Control of Tuberculosis. Geneva: ICN.
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