Conceptual and treatment approaches for a revitalised health service and renewed Person-Centered Perinatal Psychiatry

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John Cox


A Body-Mind-Spirit paradigm is proposed as an overarching framework for re-energising healthcare provision and for maintaining its compassionate focus. It is suggested also that a relationship-based person-centred approach can assist the practitioner to provide more optimal healthcare – and promote perinatal mental health. Single discipline conceptual models from philosophy, anthropology, biology and psychology relevant to these fields are outlined and current examples from Perinatal Psychiatry highlighted to illustrate the benefits of an integrative approach. Thou it was who didst fashion me in my inward parts;Thou didst knit me together in my mother’s womb.     Psalm 139, v13

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Contributions to the advancement of person-centered care
Author Biography

John Cox, University of Gloucestershire; and Institute of Psychiatry, London

Professor John Cox,  BM  BCh , DM (Oxon), FRCPsych, FRCP, is a Past President and Dean of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. He was elected as Secretary General of the World Psychiatric Association in 2002 for a six year term during which time the secretariat moved from New York to Geneva.He was awarded the Merce Medal in 1986 for his pioneer research and clinical work in Perinatal Psychiatry carried out in Uganda, Scotland and Staffordshire. He holds Honorary Fellowships from the World Psychiatric Association, the Royal College of Psychiatrists, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and the College of Medicine in South Africa.He retains an active interest in Perinatal and Cultural Psychiatry and more recently in Ethics and the borderlands of religion and mental health.  He was the lead guest editor of a special issue (June 2007) of the International Review of Psychiatry on Mass Violence and Mental Health, and has recently co –edited two books published by Wiley /Balckwell –Personhood and Mental Health: a bridge between infant and adult mental health  and Psychiatry and Religion: beyond boundaries.John  has  co-authored  Modern management of Perinatal Psychiatric Bisorders, and is well known for his work in primary care and in particular for the development of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale.Currently he is Visiting Professor of Mental Health at the University of Gloucestershire and the Institute of Psychiatry, London; Founding co- chair of the Centre for the study of Faith, Science and Values in Health Care at the University of Gloucestershire, and Professor Emeritus at Keele University.He now lives closer to his family in Cheltenham, where he continues his academic interests as well as his work as a trained singer.


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