When healers need healing: a narrative reflection on a personal experience of injury, treatment and rehabilitation

Main Article Content

Mohammed Abou-Saleh


This narrative account of a personal experience of care from a health professional describes and reflects on this experience. The experience was revealing as it provides a lived journey of care with the good, the bad and the ugly of what occurs in a person’s life in body, mind and spirit whilst receiving care. The article ends with some discussion points on the value of learning by experience by health professionals so they become more effective, empathic, humble, compassionate and humane, endorsing the core values of person-centred medicine.

Article Details

Contributions to the advancement of person-centered care
Author Biography

Mohammed Abou-Saleh, St George’s, University of London

Mohammed T Abou-Saleh, PhD MPhil FRCPsych is currently Professor of Psychiatry at St George’s, University of London and Consultant in Addiction Psychiatry. He has now taken up the appointment of Chief Excutive Officer of the Qatar Addiction Treatment and Rehabilitation Centre. He has previously served as Director of Research and Development and Deputy Head of the Division of Mental Health and Head of the Addictions Research Group at St George’s, University of London and as Clinical Director of Addiction Services. He served as Academic Secretary and Honorary Secretary of the Faculty of Addictions,  Honorary Secretary of the Higher Specialist Training Committee and Chairman of the Middle East Group of the Royal College of Psychiatrists and Secretary General of the Federation of Arab Psychiatrists. Also he was Professor and Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences and Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, United Arab Emirates University ( 1991-1998). Internationally he is Chairman of the the World Psychiatric Association Section on Biological Psychiatry since 1998. He has served as Consultant for the World Health Organization in substance misuse in Oman, Beirut , Cairo and Qatar. He was Assistant Editor of the British Journal of Psychiatry, Co-editor of the European journal Acta Neuropsychiatrica and Member of the Board of Directors of the World Federation for Mental Health since 2007.He has 235 publications including 110 publications in refereed journals. He is Editor of the 3rd edition of Principles and Practice of Geriatric Psychiatry 2011 and had edited 2 supplements of the British Journal of Psychiatry on Brain Imaging in Psychiatry and Prediction in Psychopharmacology and 2 supplements of Acta Neuropsychiatrica on Dual Diagnosis: An International Perspective, and Recent Advances in the Psychopharmacology of Addictions. His research interests are in biological psychiatry, psychiatric epidemiology and applied addictions research and prevention psychiatry.


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