International College of Person Centered Medicine Educational Program on Person-Centered Health care

Main Article Content

Juan Mezzich


Table of Contents
Prologue: James Appleyard and Juan Mezzich
SECTION 1: General Concepts and Program Organization
Introduction to Section 1. Jim Appleyard and Juan E. Mezzich
1.1 Person Centered Medicine Foundations for Medical Education: Juan Mezzich, Ihsan Salloum, Levent Kirisci, Alberto Perales
1.2 Medical Professionalism and Ethical and Human Rights Foundations of Person Centered Medicine: Jon Snaedal
1.3 The Making of a Physician: A Person-centered Approach: Shridhar Sharma, Gautam Sharma
1.4 Concepts and Strategies of People-Centered Public Health: Fredy A. Canchihuaman, James Appleyard, Juan Mezzich
SECTION 2: Communication, Common Ground, Diagnosis, and Assessment
Introduction to Section 2. James Appleyard and Juan E. Mezzich
2.1 Clinical Communication and Empathy: Michel Botbol
2.2 Setting a Common Ground for Collaborative Care and Clinical Interviewing: Juan Mezzich
2.3 Person-centered Integrative Diagnosis: Concepts and procedures: Ihsan Salloum and Juan Mezzich
2.4 Continuity and Integration of Person Centered Assessment and Care across the Lifecycle: James Appleyard and Michel Botbol
SECTION 3: Care Planning, Shared Decision-Making and Inter-Professional Collaboration
Introduction to Section 3. James Appleyard and Juan E. Mezzich
3.1 Person-centered Care Planning and Shared Decision-making for Mental and Comorbid Conditions: Helen Millar
3.2 Shared Decision Making in Oncology and Palliative Care: Paul Glare
3.3 Shared Decision Making for Other General Conditions: James Appleyard and Jon Snaedal
3.4 Inter-professional Collaboration: Tesfa Ghebrehiwet
SECTION 4: Foundations and Horizons
Introduction to Section 4. Juan E. Mezzich and Michael Wong
4.1 Médecine de la Personne: Tournier’s vision and legacy: John Cox and James Appleyard
4.2 The Science of Well-being: The physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of health are inseparable: C. Robert Cloninger
4.3 Mental Health Promotion: Person-Centered Perspective: George N. Christodoulou
4.4 Culture in Person- and People-Centered Health Care: Werdie Van Staden
4.5 Spirituality and Person-Centered Health Care: John Cox

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