Examining Fidelity of Web-based Acceptance and Commitment Interventions for Women with Chronic Widespread Pain

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Andrea Aparecida Goncalves Nes
Espen Andreas Brembo
Sandra van Dulmen
Ólöf Birna Kristjánsdóttir
Rikard Wicksell
Hilde Eide


Objectives. To examine the protocol adherence to the theoretical background of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in a RCT of a web-based intervention including e-diaries and written personalized feedback delivered via smartphone for persons with chronic widespread pain.Methods. The data consisted of 790 written feedback. A qualitative descriptive design on how ACT and other therapeutic processes were used in the feedback which was applied. The analysis was done with a feedback coding scheme developed employing a combination of an inductive and deductive approach.Results. The coded feedback messages reflected five of the six main ACT processes in addition to communication and motivation strategies. The degree of inter-rater reliability between the researchers coding the feedback, measured by Cohen’s kappa, was 0.790.Conclusions. Based on the level of adherence to ACT-principles the treatment integrity can be judged as high. The developed coding scheme can serve as a basis for coding written therapeutic feedback and thereby serve as a tool for a reliable assessment of the treatment fidelity in ACT based interventions delivered by internet.Practice Implications. Internet-delivered psychological interventions to support people with chronic conditions are increasingly common. Such interventions can be seen as person-centered therapeutic approaches. This study indicates that ACT can reliably be delivered in a written web-based format.   

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Author Biography

Andrea Aparecida Goncalves Nes, Assistant professor and PhD student at Oslo and Akershus University College (OAUC)

Institute of Nursing


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